Handmade gemstone jewelry - amethyst!

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Amethyst is considered to be the most valued form of quartz. It occurs in a broad range of colors - from pink to lilac to lavender to dark purple. The darkest amethyst, which is considered to be the most desirable and valuable, is mined in Namibia and Zambia. Fine dark amethyst is also mined in Brazil and Bolivia. Amethyst from Russia sometimes has undertones of red. There are other sources of amethyst around the world, including the USA.

Early civilizations made amethyst into ornate pieces of jewelry and objects of art. In ancient times amethyst was thought to protect soldiers in battle and guard against contagious diseases, it was also thought to be an antidote for poison. These days it is thought to bring peace of mind to the wearer, and is thought to guard against drunkenness.

Amethyst had historical importance as an insignia of power. Fine amethysts are included in the British Crown Jewels and were a favorite of Catherine the Great as well as Egyptian royalty.

The hardness of amethyst is 7.0 on the Mohs scale of hardness, with 10 being the hardest.


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