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Hemimorphite - a different kind of gemstone

Hemimorphite is one of my favorite stones - but there are so many! I guess the main reason I like it so much is that the colors are so vibrant, as if lighted from within. Even the light greens and light blues have a unique intensity, even though the colors are pastel. Also, there is a translucent quality to some hemimorphite that gives it an unusual ethereal quality.

Hemimorphite is considered to be a rare stone by some. It's out there, but it's not very common.

Carnelians - now you can wear them even if you aren't nobility!

Carnelians are one of my favorite gemstones. I love their cheerful orange color, and the way they look when the sun shines through them. They just glow with warmth. I love them alone, or mixed with other gemstones.

The color of carnelians ranges from orange-reds, to brownish oranges and reds, yellow and clear stones with no color. These shades of red are due to the presence of iron oxide. Carnelians are translucent to opaque and moderately hard.