Why we give to charity

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Crazy lace agate and jasper necklace
Rhodonite Earrings

I didn't start out as a jewelry designer. Nothing close to it. At a turning point in my life I went back to school and became a speech therapist. The reason I did that was that I really like to help people. Just helping kids learn how to communicate was so rewarding that I have no words to express it - it was really kind of magic!

But life had other plans, other challenges, and I unfortunately had to stop working as a speech therapist. My husband has the same compulsion to help people. So when I had my own web site it only made sense to put it to good use and donate money some of the money I made to causes I believe in, to help people, animals, the planet. It's intrinsically rewarding to do even my tiny, insignificant part.

There is no end of people and animals who are suffering, it's life on this planet. And there fortunately are so many people who want to help in some way. My hat is off to the helpers in the world. Those who donate and volunteer - and those who spend their lives as teachers, firemen, nurses, etc.The world is full of heroes, great and small, sung and unsung.


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