Organic Farms near Sonoma Plaza

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Oak Hill Farm - I think this is squash

For a long time Sonoma Valley has been home to several small organic farms where you can buy fruit and vegetables that are incredibly fresh. There are tomatoes to die for, sweet tender corn, squash of every size and shape - you name it - if it can grow around here, it does. Prices are reasonable and you know it's organic.

The Patch is about 2 blocks away from Sonoma Plaza on 2nd Street East. You can take a stroll from the Plaza and load up on vegetables and stop at Vella Cheese factory on the way. You'll walk right past the Sonoma clydesdales. Oak Hill Farm is several miles from Sonoma Plaza, up route 12 in Glen Ellen. The property has been chemical free since the 1950s. You can buy vegetables right at the farm at the Red Barn. It's a treat to go there.


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