A short trip to Sonoma Plaza

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Sonoma clydesdales - unintentional impressionist picture!

My husband and I and our dog, took a short trip to Sonoma Plaza this afternoon for a little walk and window shopping. The clydesdales were in their pasture eating hay. They were way in the back, so it was hard to get their picture. I don't know what we got - I don't know if the camera wasn't set correctly or if they were so far away our camera couldn't get a clear picture. What we wound up with is something that reminds me of an impressionist painting. I kind of like it!


Cactus flowers
Then in front of the old Sonoma Mission is a huge cactus plant that is beginning to bloom. I've been told that the cactus fruit makes good jam. Once I got a little too close to this plant and wished I hadn't. I was very far away from any visible needles, but there have to be invisible ones! This is probably the largest cactus plant I've seen in Northern California.


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